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Things to consider before going for laser eye surgery

Most people who use eyeglasses or contact lenses have pondered receiving laser eye surgery at some time in their lives. If you’re one of the millions of Canadians who wear eyeglasses or contact lenses, you’re not alone.

The reality of the matter is that laser eye surgery (also known as “refractive surgery”) has grown in popularity over the past decade. Although technology has advanced in recent years to make the operation safer and more complex, there are still certain dangers connected with doing the treatment. You should think about the following factors if you’re considering receiving laser eye surgery.

1. Should You Have Laser Eye Surgery? 

Laser eye surgery is not a one-size-fits-all procedure when it comes to treating vision problems. A variety of medical issues, such as very dry eyes and corneal disorders, might preclude you from undergoing laser eye surgery. Speak with your optometrist or ophthalmologist first to see if you are a good candidate for laser eye surgery in the first instance.

2. Different Kinds of Laser Eye Surgery

A single laser eye surgical treatment is what most people think of when they think about laser eye surgery. In reality, there are several different forms of surgery. For nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, LASIK and PRK eye surgery (short for Photorefractive Keratectomy) are two of the most often performed procedures. 

A flap is carved into the cornea through the top layer in order to get access to the treatment region, whereas PRK removes the top layer of the cornea, which then heals and returns to its original position over a period of roughly 72 hours. A version of PRK known as LASEK also includes the removal of a layer of the cornea and the subsequent replacement of that layer.

3. Is Your Surgeon a Qualified Professional?

Despite the fact that laser eye surgery is now readily available, it can only be conducted by an ophthalmologist who is both skilled and licensed. Make sure to question your surgeon about his or her degree of expertise, success rates, dangers involved, and the sorts of post-operative care he or she will provide following your operation. 

Your optometrist will be familiar with the condition of your eyes and eyesight. They are most likely familiar with the region and will be able to assist you with a reference if they believe you are a good fit. Consider checking out other patient reviews and referrals to be certain that you’re receiving the greatest possible care.

4. The Dangers of Laser Eye Surgery

There is no such thing as “small eye surgery.” There is no such thing as “minor eye surgery.” Laser eye surgery is still considered to be an intrusive technique, and problems might arise as a result. Overcorrection or under-correction are the most prevalent risks, both of which result in impaired vision in some cases. 

In addition, it is possible (though rare) to cause injury to the cornea, which can result in inflammation and infection of the eye. A second operation may be required in rare circumstances to address an overcorrection or an undercorrection that occurred during the first surgery. Consult with your optometrist about the potential dangers associated with the operation.

5. What are the stipulations and restrictions?

While the vast majority of laser surgery patients will notice an improvement in their vision, no surgeon can promise 20/20 vision or that patients will no longer require corrective eyeglasses once the treatment has been completed. According to an article published by the Vision Eye Institute in 2018, you may still require corrective glasses depending on the strength of your initial prescription and your age. Another crucial point to remember is that laser surgery will not repair presbyopia, which means that as you become older, you may still require reading glasses to see clearly. Visit to read about Tips to guide you after your laser eye surgery.

6. What Should You Expect Following Your Surgery?

Remember to discuss post-operative eye care with your surgeon to find out what sort of treatment you’ll receive and what exactly you’ll be responsible for in order to ensure that the operation is as effective as possible. Many surgical centers collaborate with your optometrist to ensure that you are returned to them for follow-up treatment. This aftercare often consists of the use of prescription eye drops as well as follow-up visits with an optometrist or surgeon to verify that there are no issues following the procedure. Also, be sure to inquire about any restrictions that may apply following the operation, such as the inability to participate in sports or wear eye makeup for a specific length of time.

While laser eye surgery can provide independence from corrective eyeglasses, it’s crucial to understand all of the elements that go into the procedure before proceeding. Knowing as much as you can about your personal eye health, your surgeon, and the process itself will aid in your decision regarding whether laser eye surgery is best for you.

How Long Does LASIK Surgery Remain Effective?

In the case of LASIK eye surgery, the results are permanent. This procedure is a permanent treatment since the surgeon physically reshapes the cornea, correcting the defects that cause myopia, hyperopia, and/or astigmatism. The procedure is performed in an outpatient setting.

Your refractive errors, on the other hand, may worsen over time, and you may experience other vision problems as well. It is possible to develop new refractive defects after laser eye surgery due to the fact that your eyes might change over your lifetime; nevertheless, this is not a consequence of regression following the procedure. LASIK is only effective in treating existing issues.

Multiple LASIK eye surgery procedures come with a number of risks.

Laser eye surgery is usually regarded as a rapid and safe procedure that has a high success rate in the treatment of visual issues. The majority of LASIK patients report having better than 20/40 vision, with more than 90% reporting having 20/20 vision or better after having their eyes corrected with lasers.

There are certain dangers and side effects associated with LASIK surgery, as there are with any surgical procedure – and the more times you have the procedure, the more likely you are to experience these hazards. Some of the dangers linked with LASIK surgery are as follows: • You may feel dry eyes for up to three months after your procedure. (Eye drops may be beneficial.)

  • You may experience glare at night or notice haloes when it is dark.
  • Because the flaps that are generated during laser eye surgery are not fastened, they may get dislodged during the healing process if you rub your eyes or are poked in the eye during healing.

Make an appointment with your eye doctor or another eye care professional to discuss laser eye surgery in more detail. A professional can assist you in determining whether or not you are a good candidate for LASIK enhancement surgery.